• Question: What type of science do you study

    Asked by anon-240024 to Struan, Charlotte, Isabel, Douglas, David on 9 Mar 2020.
    • Photo: Struan Simpson

      Struan Simpson answered on 9 Mar 2020:

      My research is in an area that’s between chemistry and physics, so I get to study topics in both those areas of science! Specifically I look at things like the atomic structure of the materials I make (which is related to their chemistry), and I look at how my materials conduct electricity (which is more to do with physics).

    • Photo: David Threlfall

      David Threlfall answered on 10 Mar 2020:

      I left school and university a few years ago so I make sure I keep up to date with discoveries in science and engineering, when I have a new problem I might read a lot of information so I can make good decisions.

    • Photo: Douglas Bray

      Douglas Bray answered on 10 Mar 2020:

      I study environmental science, this is a mixture of all areas of science and how they interact in the environment. I am looking into using plants to make energy and food.
