• Question: So the sky and ocean is blue but if you take a glass and collect water and the air its see-through, so what makes the sky and ocean blue if they are not reflecting off of each other?

    Asked by anon-240095 to Struan, Charlotte, Isabel, David on 9 Mar 2020.
    • Photo: Struan Simpson

      Struan Simpson answered on 9 Mar 2020:

      So with the sky, it’s to do with the amount of air that the light is scattering through and how it scatters through the air particles in the atmosphere. The way this happens, it means the sky has a blue colour to our eyes. The ocean tends to look blue when it’s a clear day, so the blue colour you see is actually being reflected from the sky, rather than being a property of the water itself. This is why a glass of water or a glass of air doesn’t have any colour associated with it.
