• Question: If you could wave a magic wand and change something in an instant, what would you change and why? Would you consider your work in it?

    Asked by anon-239425 to Struan, Charlotte, Isabel, Douglas, David on 15 Mar 2020.
    • Photo: Struan Simpson

      Struan Simpson answered on 15 Mar 2020:

      Hmm I think if I were to change something about my work, I would probably magic up a nuclear facility closer to Scotland so I didn’t have to travel so far! I don’t mind getting to travel, but if I had something closer I would probably get to use it more often.

      Outside of work, it’s difficult to say. I’d probably magic up some new technology that could help us combat climate change, maybe a totally safe fusion reactor that gave us infinite energy so we didn’t need to rely on fossil fuels any more!

    • Photo: Douglas Bray

      Douglas Bray answered on 20 Mar 2020:

      Thats a tough question. If I was being selfish then I would wish for a teleporter so I could travel anywhere in an instant. But realistically I would want to find a way to make people treat the environment properly so i would want to change the behaviour of people sow e could combat climate change and treat the animals and plants properly so that we can live here together.
